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National Tests

In Wales, pupils from Years 2 to 9 carry out National Tests in Reading and Numeracy each year. The following guidance has been prepared for you to understand how the tests are structured.


Reading is a paper-based test which involves the pupil reading two or more texts (likely to be fiction and non-fiction). There are different question formats including multiple choice, matching up, circling and written response. Some of the questions check how well the text has been understood and others aim to find out if children are able to make judgements about what they have read. In Years 4, 5 and 6 the pupils are also asked to infer and deduce what the writer means. These type of questions require a longer, written response. 


Numeracy (Procedural) tests are now completed online. These are personalised assessments - this means that the questions will adapt according to whether the last question completed was correct or incorrect. An algorithm is used to judge the pupil's ability. Therefore, if the pupil answers a string of questions correctly, they are likely to be given questions which are more challenging. Similar to previous years, the pupils are still required to demonstrate a sound knowledge of number, data handling, measures, shape and problem solving at their individual level.

Numeracy (Reasoning) is a paper-based test. At first, the class teacher shows a short presentation on a particular theme or topic. There is then an opportunity for the children to ask questions. The pupils respond to questions in a booklet. They are encouraged to show their working out throughout this test because they will earn marks for doing so. Even if their answer is incorrect, they could obtain marks by showing calculations.

Below you will find some past papers from National Tests. Please refer to the correct year group when using these and do not make it an onerous or stressful task.

Click below to access Welsh Government guidance on the National Tests and personalised assessments:

Guidance - National Reading and Numeracy tests

Practice Papers: Numeracy (Procedural) 'Paper-Based'

Yr 6 Procedural 2013    Yr 6 Procedural 2014     Yr 6 Procedural 2015  

Yr 5 Procedural 2013    Yr 5 Procedural 2014     Yr 5 Procedural 2015

Yr 4 Procedural 2013    Yr 4 Procedural 2014     Yr 4 Procedural 2015

Yr 3 Procedural 2013    Yr 3 Procedural 2014     Yr 3 Procedural 2015

Yr 2 Procedural 2013

Practice Papers: Numeracy (Reasoning)

Yr 6 Reasoning 2014         Yr 6 Reasoning 2015

Yr 5 Reasoning 2014         Yr 5 Reasoning 2015

Yr 4 Reasoning 2014         Yr 4 Reasoning 2015

Yr 3 Reasoning 2014         Yr 3 Reasoning 2015

Welsh Government 'Sample' Materials - Numeracy

Follow this link to download further resources: Numeracy Sample Materials

Welsh Government 'Sample' Materials - Reading

Follow this link to download further resources: Reading Sample Materials

Other Useful Resources

Follow this link for SATs Papers (English Curriculum) for Reading and Maths:

KS1 / KS2 SATs Papers