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Year 1

Blwyddyn 1 - Year 1

Croeso i Blwyddyn Un! - Welcome to Year One!

Teachers: Mrs Watts and Miss Gibson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Webber, Mrs Said and Mrs Bashir.  We say a sad farewell to Mrs Baldwin who is leaving us today.  She is a brilliant TA and we will all miss her.

Blended Learning

We currently working on our Blended Learning Policy. Later this half term, children will be sent home with their Seesaw home learning code and a task will be set after the skill is introduced in the lessons. Please complete at home together.

We politely ask that children and parents check Seesaw each week for the given task. We understand that life is busy but please aim to return the Seesaw task within the week.

If you have any problems accessing Seesaw or any of the activities sent, please contact us for further support.

If you or your child has any ideas for activities or you should need assistance please contact us on or 

PE and Games

In year one we have PE every Tuesday and Games every Wednesday, please can your child come into school wearing the appropriate clothes on those days.

Reading Books

Reading books should be sent to school every Tuesday, where we will hear the child read and send a new book home for you to share.


Please could you ensure that you listen to your child read daily for about ten minutes at a time.  

If you would like additional reading material, please continue to use Giglets where we will upload a selection of books and tasks for you to read together.

We will continue to send home word boxes and tricky words following the Jolly Phonics scheme for you to practise together. If your child knows how to read these, have a go at spelling them. 


We will continue to follow the Jolly Phonics scheme which is available for you to use at home: in order to practise, along with the songs which can be found on YouTube.

Phonics and handwriting activities will take place daily. During these sessions the children will be give opportunities to practise letter formation; be given a variety of ways to blend, read and write words and to put words into sentences using punctuation and finger spaces.

Spelling lists to practise together will be sent home later in the year. Your child can practise the tricky words from the Jolly learning website above. Once they are able to read them, try spelling them before writing them into sentences. Encourage capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Our mental maths targets for this term are:

Doubles to 5 + 5

Halves to half of 10

Bonds to 10 (9+1=10)

This term we will also be looking at numbers to 20, addition and subtraction to 10, 1more and 1 less, 2D and 3D shapes and measuring using non-standard units e.g cubes, lolly sticks or fingers) as well as using our addition skills with money up to 20p.


My Family and Other Creatures


Our focus for this half term is weather and animals.

We like to sing in order to practise these language patterns. There is a simple playlist here:

We will be reinforcing the language learnt during 'Ourselves and Feelings'. 

Pwy wyt ti? - Who are you?

Sut wyt ti? - How are you?

Ans: Dw i'n hapus - I'm happy. 

hapus - happy

trist - sad

wedi blino - tired

bendigedig - fantastic

ar ben y byd - on top of the world

Likes and dislikes and related vocabulary e.g. food, toys and colours.

Dw i'n hoffi....... - I like...

Dw i ddim yn hoffi - I don't like...


Please have a look at this video that we have taken of the classroom, if you have nay questions of queries regarding the website or anything please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Weekly Newletter


Thank you

Mrs Watt and Miss Gibson