Year 2
Welcome to Year Two!
Croeso i Blwyddyn Dau!
Teachers: Mrs Watts and Mrs Burnett
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brown and Miss Watts.
Year 2 Team
General Information
PE is on Friday and Games is on a Thursday for 2B. PE is on a Wednesday and Games is on a Thursday for 2W. So please can all children come to school prepared for this in their Games kit, suitable for cold weather and ensure trainers are worn.
At the current time homework for Year 2 will consist of weekly spellings and daily reading. We ask that you practise the spellings and reading regularly, several times a week rather in one long session as this usually works best. Spellings will be posted every Friday on Seesaw so please ensure that you are signed in and ready to receive notifications. We will add numeracy tasks as and when required and project based work will be given at different points throughout the year, with plenty of notice.
In year 2 the children eat their snack outside. Please can you make sure that the children bring their healthy snack in a separate container to their lunch as this saves them time.
We have added a small task on Seesaw for the children to practice using the Seesaw tools. We would like all children to have a go at this activity and submit it through Seesaw. Thank you. More blended learning tasks will be set as we go along.
Our weekly spelling test is on a Friday. New spellings will be posted on Seesaw on Friday ready for the test the following week.
All children will receive a reading book and reading record book to record what they have read. Please feel free to use this record book as much or as little as you like. A general comment with the date is fine, noting tricky words, asking questions for the children to answer... all of these are great ways of supporting your children with their reading. Please read each day with your child as this will be key to increasing their confidence and their understanding, as well as their general reading ability.
Please return the book along with the home reading record book on the day stated inside or on the front cover of the record book.
Useful websites
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