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Support for families

We are here to help Roath Park friends and families in any way we can.  Below are a few examples of our ongoing commitment to helping our school community.

We have Pre-loved School Uniform which is always set up and ready to be accessed. There are many sizes of school uniform available and it is free for our families. Our Pre-loved uniforms are also on display during the Parent-Teacher Consultations evenings, plus our Summer and Winter Fayre.

Roath Park Primary has a food cupboard that stores non-perishable kitchen staples that our community are welcome to in times of need. If you would like to access this resource, please drop an email to, and we can organise a time for you to come in.

We are happy to support families in understanding and applying for ‘Free School Meals’. This is different from the universal free school dinners all children receive and applying for this may help families with additional support and services to help with day to day living. Please see the following links for more information and email if you would like some help to apply:

Info- Free School Meals

Apply for Free School Meals : Cardiff Council Forms (

Similarly, we are also here to help with applying for the School Essentials Grant, which can help families with school costs for items such as uniform and sports kit, school bags and stationary.

Info- School Essentials Grant

School Essentials Grant - Cardiff Council Forms


Please email if we can help you in any way, or you need more information about help you may be illegible to receive.